
Why Did I Get Banned on Facebook? 7 Reasons & Solutions to Avoid Facebook Ban in 2024

By AdsPower

Why Did I Get Banned on Facebook? 7 Reasons & Solutions to Avoid Facebook Ban in 2024

We get it - you're frustrated and probably scratching your head, asking "Why did I get banned on Facebook?

It can be nerve-racking, especially when you’ve done nothing wrong.

But trust us, you’re not alone.

Facebook has been banning many accounts lately for several different reasons and, sometimes, for no reason.

Yes, you heard that right.

From reasons to solutions, let’s explore this issue in detail.

What Is a Facebook Ban?

When Facebook bans your account, It means your account will no longer be visible to you or anyone else.

You lose access to it and can not share content, run ads, or do any other activity on the platform.

There are a variety of reasons Facebook bans your account.

But before getting into it, let’s first understand the types of Facebook account bans.

Types of Facebook Bans

Permanent Facebook Ban

As the name suggests, a permanent ban is when Facebook permanently restricts your account or certain features.

If the ban is permanent, you may only get it back if you appeal and turn out completely innocent.

If it permanently restricts certain features like posting comments, liking posts, or running ads, you might never regain access to them.

A permanent ban results from extreme or repeated violations of Facebook policies.

Therefore, it is important to go through Facebook’s community standards to avoid bans.

Temporary Facebook Ban

In a temporary ban, Facebook restricts your account for a certain period ranging from 24 hours to 30 days.

This type of ban may not completely restrict you from using your account.

Usually, in temporary bans, the violations are not extreme, and Facebook provides you a chance to correct your behavior.

Facebook may restrict you from using certain features like commenting, posting in groups, creating a Facebook page, etc.

See the next section to know exactly how long your account will stay temporarily banned.

How Long Does Facebook Keep You Banned?

The Facebook ban duration depends on what you have violated and how many offenses you have committed.

Note that Facebook may keep your account banned for longer if you have a history of getting banned on the platform.

See this table to understand how long a Facebook ban lasts.

Why Did I Get Banned on Facebook? 7 Reasons & Solutions to Avoid Facebook Ban in 2024

7 Common Reasons Facebook Bans an Account

Why Did I Get Banned on Facebook? 7 Reasons & Solutions to Avoid Facebook Ban in 2024

[alt text: 7 reasons and solutions to avoid a Facebook ban]

A Facebook ban may occur due to the violations committed by a user account or by a business manager account.

A Facebook business manager account is an account that you create to manage your business activities, such as running ads.

Here, it is important to note that a business manager account is connected with a primary user account.

This means that violations from one account may have effects on the other.

For example, if you violate Facebook policies from a user account, Facebook may restrict your business manager account as well.

But what could those violations possibly be? Why did I get banned on Facebook?

Let’s find out.

Facebook Doesn’t Believe You’re A Human

When Facebook thinks you are a bot or running a fake account, it bans you from the platform.

A fake account may include a fake profile image, fake name, fake ID, or impersonation of a real account.

Also, you should not have curses or offensive words in your account name or description.

Moreover, some people who don’t want to associate their personal Facebook user account with a business manager account tend to create a new one to manage business activities.

But if you immediately start running ads from your new profile, it gives a wrong signal to Facebook.

Facebook considers this behavior as against their policy and bans such accounts.

So make sure you are keeping your user account active as well.

Copyright Infringement

If you’re using/posting copyrighted material without the owner’s permission, you will likely get your account banned.

Facebook will flag this behavior as an intellectual rights violation.

Copyrighted material may include the content of other creators like videos, images, text, graphics, etc.

You should take the owner’s permission or give credit to the original owner for using their content.

Objectionable or Inappropriate Content

Facebook has strict policies against content that violates their community guidelines.

This may include content that encourages violence or poses a threat to the safety of Facebook users.

Here are some examples/scenarios:

  • Content that bullies or harasses others
  • Promotion of hate speech
  • Sexual content or child nudity
  • Content promoting violence or association with terror groups
  • Content with pyramid schemes, loan scams, etc
  • Spreading of misinformation or fake news to deceive others

Spammy Behavior

Facebook doesn’t tolerate spammy behavior at all.

According to Facebook, spammy behavior includes:

  • Sending loads of friend requests in a short duration. For example, sending more than 20 friend requests a day
  • Posting or sharing heavily in groups in a short time. For example, sharing 20 posts in 1 hour
  • Excessive likes or reactions to others' content
  • Sending bulk messages
  • Sharing tons of posts or links to someone’s timeline

While Facebook hasn’t declared a specific limit for each type of behavior, you can get an idea from the aforementioned points.

Promotion of Banned Products or Services

This is a crucial one because it goes against Facebook’s commerce policy.

Facebook doesn’t entertain accounts that promote products or services already banned on the platform.

This may include:

  • Adult products
  • Sexual services
  • Ingestible supplements
  • Animal Products
  • Healthcare or Medical Products and services
  • Weaponry or Ammunition
  • Drugs

Disabled Two-Factor Authentication Feature

Is your Two-factor authentication turned off?

This might be the reason your Facebook ID is disabled.

Turn it on to give the algorithm a signal that you’re a human and not a bot.

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account and prevents it from hackers.

With 2-factor authentication enabled, you get a security code to log into your account either on your mobile number or on your authentication app, depending on the method you selected.

Multiple Logins From the Same IP

Facebook considers multiple account logins from the same IP address as suspicious.

This means that if you have multiple Facebook accounts that you manage for your clients or your business and log in to those accounts from the same IP, let’s say your WiFi network, the chances are you’ll face a Facebook ID ban.

However, there’s a solution for this problem that you’ll find in the section “How to Avoid Getting Banned From FaceBook in the Future?

Now that we’ve discussed the most common reasons for Facebook bans, let’s dive into its solution.

How to Get Unbanned From Facebook?

There’s finally some good news for you.

You can submit an appeal to get unbanned from Facebook.

But first, go through the reasons we mentioned above and Facebook’s guidelines as well to ensure you’re innocent.

If you’re sure that you’re banned from Facebook for no reason, you can initiate an appeal by following these steps:

  • Visit the appeal section.
  • Enter your mobile number or email address associated with the account
  • Enter the full name that you used with the account
  • Upload the identification document that proves the account belongs to you. This could be your passport, ID card, driver’s license, etc.
  • Under the “Choose Files” or “Upload” button, you may see a section requiring additional information. Use this section to explain to Facebook why you think your Facebook is disabled by mistake.
  • After completing the process, click “Send”

Why Did I Get Banned on Facebook? 7 Reasons & Solutions to Avoid Facebook Ban in 2024

How to Avoid Getting Banned From Facebook in the Future?

The best way to keep your account up and running is to adhere to Facebook policies.

Read their content and commerce guidelines and align your practices on the platform accordingly.

But what if you have to manage multiple Facebook accounts from one location simultaneously?

Facebook flags this behavior as suspicious. But don’t worry!

There’s a solution for this, and it’s called AdsPower.

AdsPower is the world’s leading antidetect browser for managing multiple accounts without getting banned.

AdsPower allows you to have separate browser profiles with unique fingerprints and different IP addresses for each profile.

This means you can run multiple accounts from the same location with complete peace of mind.

Get Back to Facebooking With Confidence!

We hope that your mystery of “Why did I get banned on Facebook” is solved now.

With a clear understanding of Facebook rules, reasons for account bans, and the appeal steps provided in the article, you can get back to connecting on the platform.

To ensure safe and secure browsing from multiple accounts and avoid getting banned in the future, don’t forget to sign up with AdsPower.

Happy Networking!


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Why Did I Get Banned on Facebook? 7 Reasons & Solutions to Avoid Facebook Ban in 2024