
Browser Kernel Updated to Chromium 105, and More...

By AdsPower

At the end of October, we updated our browser kernel to Chromium 105. Today we want to give you an overview of recent developments.

Chromium 105 kernel

Yes, as you required, we updated the kernel of SunBrowser to Chromium 105. The new kernel can be downloaded right in the app.

Browser Kernel Updated to Chromium 105, and More...

We also added a new User Agent — 106 version.

Browser Kernel Updated to Chromium 105, and More...

As we explained before, it's important to keep the browser kernel consistent with the browser fingerprints, or say, the UA. In case you need to use older versions of the kernel, our multikernels feature allows you to pick up the most similar version of UA, or vice versa.

Up to 20% off for upgrading subscriptions

For anyone who plans to upgrade their subscription, good news here — you can get discounts (up to 20%!) when paying for the difference. By upgrading, we are talking about choosing a subscription that is more expensive than your current one.

Alright, alright, don't hurry. Firstly, hear out what the discounts are and how to claim them. We offer three discounts — 5%, 10% and 20%, based on how many days remain in your subscription:

  • If you have more than 30 days but no more than 90 days of access, you can get a 5% discount.

  • If you have more than 90 days but no more than 180 days of access, you can get a 10% discount.

  • If you have more than 180 days of access, you can get a 20% discount.

Browser Kernel Updated to Chromium 105, and More...

For example, if you are on a $100 subscription that will end in 7 months and then upgrade to a $150 one, you would've been billed for the difference for the remainder of the period, which would've been $350. Since you can get a 20% discount now, you will only be charged $280 now.

Of course, we do all the math for you. You can see what discount you can get and the amount you'll be billed when upgrading your subscription.

Browser Kernel Updated to Chromium 105, and More...

Dark Mode

We care about not only your accounts, but also your experience. So we optimized the dark mode design to let you read easier in low light with less eye strain.

Browser Kernel Updated to Chromium 105, and More...

These updates are available in the latest version. Don't forget to download it!


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Browser Kernel Updated to Chromium 105, and More...