
Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

By AdsPower

Last month saw a series of updates on the Synchronizer. Let’s have a look at what’s new.

Synchronizations across pop-up windows

There's no way that you can avoid pop-up windows when browsing websites or trying to perform certain operations.

For example:

  • Sign in with Google / Apple ID / accounts of other platforms

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

  • Extension pop-ups

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

In this update, we added a new feature to enable synchronization of mouse / keyboard operations across pop-up windows.

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

Filtering profiles by group

Finding the precise profile you require from the many profiles you are running may be challenging. In order to help you find the desired profile more quickly, we added a feature to the Synchronizer that lets you filter the opened profiles by group.

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

New column with more action options

The new column “Action” was added with two action options: Display window and Set as Main window.

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

By clicking the Display window icon, the profile will be brought to front.

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

Previously, the first profile in a row would be set as the Main window by default, and it couldn’t be changed afterwards.

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

Now, by clicking the Set as Main window icon, you can set any of the profiles as the Main window.

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

The Console

The Console can be opened in a separate window. To do this, you can click the small icon like shown below.

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

Custom hotkeys

The Synchronizer currently has four sets of hotkeys:

  • Ctrl+Alt+S: Start sync
  • Ctrl+Alt+D: Stop sync
  • Ctrl+Alt+R: Restart sync
  • Ctrl+Alt+E: Display / hide the console when it’s opened in a separate window

In this update, we added a new feature to enable custom hotkeys.

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

For example, if you want to use Alt+S to start sync instead of the existing Ctrl+Alt+S, you only need to go to Settings in the Synchronizer, click on the default hotkeys and press Alt+S, then click the Save button to save the change.

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys



Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys