
What‘s New: What We Launched in February 2024

By AdsPower


Chrome 121

The SunBrowser kernel has been updated to Chrome 121, so has the User-Agent.

What‘s New: What We Launched in February 2024

Personal settings

Window position on launch

Now, in Personal settings - Local settings, you can choose how the window is placed when it is opened:

  • Always open on the top-left corner of the screen
  • Open at the same position as last closed
  • Open as maximized

    What‘s New: What We Launched in February 2024

Compatibility with external automation tools

We added the “Run UI automation tools” option to make the AdsPower app compatible with external UI automation tools, like UIPath. This feature is only available on Windows at the moment.

It should be noted, however, that this setting can increase the risk of the AdsPower app crashing.

What‘s New: What We Launched in February 2024


We introduced extension settings to allow you to decide how the extension is pinned in the browser profile:

  • Customize: You can manage the extension in the browser profile instead of in the AdsPower app.
  • Always pin to the toolbar
  • Always unpin from the toolbar

    What‘s New: What We Launched in February 2024

    What‘s New: What We Launched in February 2024


We fixed issues with the synchronizer:

  • Overlapped pop-ups: Pop-ups are opened in their initial position in each profile now.
  • Switching the keyboard language: This process is synchronized across all windows now.

Global Settings

In addition to blocking access to specific URLs, we added an option to “Allow access to specific URLs”.

What‘s New: What We Launched in February 2024

Furthermore, we have addressed and enhanced other features, and you can refer to the Release notes for an overview of all the updates we made in February.


Best Multi-Login Browser for Any Industry

What‘s New: What We Launched in February 2024